Monday, September 30, 2019

Yale Kamisar uses the term “heater cases”

Question OneYale Kamisar uses the term â€Å"heater cases† in his article In Defense of the Exclusionary Rule.   Unfamiliar with the term, it was researched and determined to be a phrase used to refer to cases that are so controversial or unpopular that they are the subject of both media and public attention. (Bogira, 2005)   Author Steve Bogira provides one example of a heater case.   It is referred to as the Bridgeport case and involved the trial of three white men who had brutally beaten a 13-year old black male.   It was alleged that the reason for the beating was to convey the message that the black boy would not be tolerated in the white neighbourhood. (Bogira, 2005)Kamisar describes the heater case’s impact on the exclusionary rule. According to Kamisar, should a defendant escape conviction because the exclusionary rule prevents the admission of evidence crucial to a conviction.   Such a scenario has the potential to inflame public passions with the res ult that the judge is under pressure to allow the evidence notwithstanding the illegal method employed to seize it and will â€Å"find a way† to admit it. (Kamisar, 2003, 119-140)Question TwoKamisar does not refute each of Judge Calabresi’s arguments as to why the exclusionary rule should be abolished.   He agrees in principle that many of the alternative remedies are ineffective, such as the remedies in criminal sanctions and civil complaints. (Kamisar, 2003, 119-140)   Kamisar takes issue with Calabresi’s suggestions that the exclusionary rule could be effectively replaced by the introduction of a points system following conviction with a view to lightening the sentence imposed and the institution of some penalty with respect to the offending police officer. (Calabresi, 2003, 111-118)Kamisar rejects these suggestions noting that with respect to the imposition of a points system which would effectively reduce the sentence would have no impact on police cond uct. (Kamisar, 2003, 119-140)   This is so because police care about convictions and the negative fallout should a suspect escape conviction.   Therefore any alternative to the exclusionary rule that does not impact upon conviction will not act as an incentive for police to conduct orthodox investigations. (Kamisar, 2003, 119-140)Moreover, Kamisar argues that Calabresi’s proposal for a sanctions hearing in respect of police officers who allegedly acting illegally in obtaining evidence is fraught by the same difficulties that impact upon civil or criminal remedies. (Kamisar, 2003, 119-140)   The entire case will either stand or fall upon the credibility of the accused person, which as Kamisar argues is tenuous at best particularly following a conviction. (Kamisar, 2003, 119-140)Question ThreeYale Kamisar primarily relies on balancing two conflicting policy issues in his article â€Å"In Defense of the Exclusionary Rule.†Ã‚   The first policy consideration is the n eed to allay the general public’s fear of crime and the second policy consideration is the need to protect suspects from police abuse of constitutionally protected rights, particularly the fourth amendment right to privacy and due process as contained in the fourteenth amendment. (Kamisar, 2003, 119-140)In determining the value of the exclusionary rule Kamisar considers the impact of its abrogation on both policies.   He submits that its abolition would result in defeating constitutional rights since alternatives to the exclusionary rules are ineffective.   He goes on to argue that although the exclusionary rule does not entirely protect constitutional rights against police misconduct, it is the only feasible remedy available since police do care about convictions.The likelihood of the exclusionary rule setting a suspect free is more likely to deter police misconduct than not. Since judges are always mindful of the consequences of allowing a serious criminal to escape con viction, the exclusionary rule will not undermine public policies with respect to getting tough on crime.   In other words, the exclusionary rule is the best method for balancing policies against criminal conduct and safeguarding the constitutional rights of an accused person.Question FourYale Kamisar’s arguments for the retention of the exclusionary rule has substantial merit.   If police conduct hinges entirely on the desire to obtain convictions and drives the police officer to offend constitutional rights, it logically follows that if evidence obtained in that manner is excluded police would be less likely to infringe upon constitutional rights. Kasimar readily admits that the exclusionary rule is not perfect, but it is the best police regulatory method available.(Kamisar, 2003, 119-140)Arguments that serious criminals escape conviction as a result of the exclusionary rule are not supported by empirical research studies.   (Kamisar, 2003, 119-140)   More important ly, judges can be trusted to exercise their discretion properly and fairly with respect to the exclusionary rule.   Those who argue against the effectiveness of the exclusionary rule fail to take account of the experience and intelligence that judges manifest in criminal trials.   It is highly unlikely that a judge will permit either a police officer or a criminal to manipulate his discretion.   He is more likely than not err on the side of caution.BibliographyBogira, Steve. (2005) Courtroom 302. New York, Alfred A. Knopf.Calabresi, Guido. (2003) â€Å"The Exclusionary Rule.† Harvard Law Journal and Public Policy. Vol. 26, 111-118Kamisar, Yale. (2003) â€Å"In Defense of the Exclusionary Rule.† Harvard Law Journal and Public Policy. Vol. 26, 119-140

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Presentation of the Gospel to Christianity Essay

Every person in this world is inherently under question about his future state of life. Some are trying to answer questions pertaining to the true essence of their existence. People want to know about the life that they were living before they came here on earth. With all these queries in their minds, it was engraved in their hearts that there must be a universal being that governs their life. It will lead to the idea that men were created by a Supreme being called God. In the idea of creation, we tend to realize that everything in this world was created with a purpose. There must be a very important rationale of our existence. In connection with these, it is crucial for us to know why we are here on earth. It is inherent upon man to believe that we are really created by God who is our Father in heaven. Jesus Christ is our brother who was the chosen son of God to save us. We need to experience myriad things for us to know the essence of our relationship with the Savior. Then eventually, we will answer the question on what will happen to us in the days after tomorrow or after we die. Salvation is the most important goal a man should have for the reason that our future life after we die depends on it. This time is our preparation for the next life. Therefore, we must carefully utilize this mortal life to attain salvation. Why is that so? Because when we die, there are so many things that we cannot do that are vital for us without our physical body. Needless to say, any wise man will come to think of it on how lucky we are to be given a chance to live here on earth. So we must enjoy this life and do good in return to the One who brought us here through our dear parents. In this paper, we will delve into the importance of the gospel of Jesus Christ in our life. It will help us appreciate His divine presence in everything that we do. With that, we will strengthen our relationship with Him and follow His example to gain eternal life. It has been promised by Him that we will gain eternal life if we follow God’s will. 2 Presentation of the Gospel to Christianity The gospel is the good news that we receive in order for us to be saved. It is the word of God for man to know and apply in their lives. In this paper, we will discuss how can we attain salvation through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ: The Savior The birth of Jesus Christ was so known all over the world. Stories about His birth was present in every corner so that His life was the most influential to any one. About 2,000 years ago, an angel appeared to Mary in Bethlehem and to Joseph who is a carpenter informing them that   Mary will conceive a baby by the power of God (Palmer 1). That started the life of Jesus Christ that was sent by our father in heaven for one special mission: that is to save us from our sins. Jesus Christ lived in this world as a human being although He possesses extraordinary characteristics of a God. He experienced that a man will do when living a life. His earthly life involved His ministry to the people. He teaches the gospel to them with divinity and humility. His matchless life includes his service to the poor, to the sick and to the needy. He teaches everyone through parables guided by principles that until now, was studied and interpreted by many people. He was the one who exemplified most of the power of prayer as He always teaches His disciples in its principle. One thing that we owe to Jesus Christ is His obedience in performing the most important sacrifice that He did for us when He was crucified. That only sent us a message that even the chosen son of God experienced trials and difficulties as an example for us. Knowingly, he has all the qualities of a savior that He was able to do the will of our Heavenly Father. As He had been mocked and looked down by other people, some are alarmed by the fact that He was able to prove that indeed He was the son of the Father when He was resurrected after His death. He left a remembrance for us to always remember Him through the sacrament. 3 As the life of Jesus Christ was so impressive and influential, it is surely a good start in believing that His infinite being displayed so much power. We surely can secure our life in His grace. We only have to do the things that He wanted us to accomplish in this life. The Gospel of Jesus Christianity It is respectfully submitted that we belong into a universal family under heaven. Our father in heaven is so wise in creating us under a family for us to enjoy life. The family is the basic unit of society. It gives us happiness and security. As children of God, it is possible that we should not experience pain and problems in life and we should only be happy eternally. But God is so full of wisdom that He gave us the opportunity to experience earthly life for us to progress. Come to think of it, is it possible for us to value happiness when we do not know the feeling of sadness? Of course not. Our life will be dull in that case. Besides, no one will ever come to attain something without being tested. Each one of us should be given the right to choose. We should have freedom. It is the idea of our Heavenly Father to send us to earth to be tested if we are really worthy to live in His presence when judgment will come. In this mortal life, we were given the freedom to choose between good and evil. We have our conscience to guide us, our ability to distinguish between right and wrong. The goodness comes from God, He is light, love and eternity. The choice of being evil is an act of opposing the will of God and that is destructive to man. However, it is up to him if he will choose darkness. The idea of sin came along. Doing something that is against the will of God is sin. Our freedom to choose between good and evil results to doing sinful things and we should be responsible for the consequences which was not lodged into our discretion. Because man is sinful, there should be a Redeemer to save us. It was the mission of Jesus Christ to save us from darkness. In our probationary earthly life, we should follow His example in order to be saved. We must do our part because He had done his. 4 Salvation is a topic that will enlighten us how essential it is to gain eternal life for progression. Darkness is very scary and no one will ever want to live in that state. Basically, when we do not follow the Savior, we will live in darkness and not in His presence. We should be grateful of our faith and belief in Jesus Christ and work through the guidance of our prayer that all men will gain eternal life (Pulvermacher 1). As the will of God is to save us with our family, we must work hand in hand with family members to attain this goal. It is not the will of our Savior that our families will disintegrate. We are responsible for each member of our family. If this will be followed, then all people in this world will live in harmony. There are so many Christ-like attributes that we need to follow in order for us to be saved. In the presence of our God, He wanted that His children will love one another. Love will result to happiness and harmony. Peace will be attained. These attributes are inherent in man for the reason that we are created in the image of God. We are heirs of His being as we are His children. However, we may not give heed to it because we were given the freedom to choose between right and wrong. The attributes that I am talking about are charity, obedience, service, humility and endurance. If a person is willing to practice all these virtues, he will surely do good things. By faith and prayer, it is not difficult to practice all of these. It will start with our love of the Savior because if we love Him, we will not do things that will hurt Him. But before we come to know about these attributes, we must know first some principles that we need to follow. It include baptism in the name of Jesus Christ, offerings and scriptures. Baptism is very important because it will allow any person to have a close relationship with the Savior. It comprises of covenants that we want to do for Him. In baptism, we tend to take the name of Jesus Christ as the savior, we can always remember Him, keep His commandments that are written in the   Bible and endure to do good things until the end of life. Baptism is immersion in t o exemplify that we are born again in His name and that our sins are left in the waters when we rise. 5 That was a simple idea of baptism but it will give us an impression that it is relevant because we know that the Savior Himself was baptized in the waters of Jordan. We should also offer our tithes and offerings in the Church so that we can please God. Ironically, we can think God do not need money. He is all powerful and as such, He can even create money. But, this offerings that I am talking about can be used primarily to aid the poor and the needy. Reading the scriptures is the most important means of communication between man and God. It is in the scriptures that we know about His teachings and principles. Parables of the Savior are written in the scriptures for us to emulate and apply in our lives. Without the scriptures like the bible and other readings on Christianity, salvation will be hard to attain. It has been the basis of studying and knowing the Savior better and with our labor spread the good news to all the people. Charity is very impressive to practice as it comprises of all good works that a man needed to attain eternal life. It involves patience in everything that happens in life, not being envious to the things others are into, not being easily provoked by any one and not to think bad things about other people. A charitable person knows how to approach a very unkind person. He is very God-fearing as he should leave everything to God when something bad was done against him Being obedient is very hard as naturally, man do not want to be ruled by any one. He wants to do things in his own way. However, God is the maker of wisdom . He is the inventor of knowledge. As such. There are so many things that we do not know that He knows. Why cant we trust Him instead? Like Jesus Christ, our Father in heaven sent here on earth to minister His children and save them also. Knowing the pains of crucifixion, Jesus Christ did not decline to the order of His father. It has been the most difficult task God has asked for a person under His power and truly it was more than we are to experience in life. Thus, we can do good things in this life no matter how difficult the situation we are into. 6 In this world, service is the balancing act of survival. There are things that we cannot do at a time that others will do for us. If we know how to serve, we can be saved. In the Kingdom of God, service is the source of faith because through it, we tend to exercise our love to God. We serve other people because we love them and the one who created them. We want things to be easy for all of us. Being selfish is like living in an island. Even the slightest need of overcoming any state of life needs service. We serve by means of helping in sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ, by helping the poor and the needy, by serving our country where we belong, by serving the sick and taking care of the aged. These are basic things to accomplish but are remarkable to do. Remember that Jesus Christ lived in this world by helping the poor and the needy, the sick people and helpless children as He was fond of them. Service cannot be fully achieved without exercising humility. It is not necessary of who we are in order to serve. Jesus Christ came into the world as a servant even if He was indeed the Prince of Peace as the son of God. Ironically, we are supposed to serve Him. However, the wisdom of the Lord teaches us that being humble is the foundation of a blessed service. Hence, we should serve with humility in order to be noble before the eyes of God. Such service should come from our very hearts. As all of these things are hard to practice, we must endure. Should the Savior choose to decline the mission given by God to Him, our salvation would not be possible by now. The sacrifice that He gave us is a result of long suffering and endurance Now, as discussed earlier we knew that people can commit sin because of the freedom to choose between good and evil. It has a connection with repentance as being taught by Jesus Christ to the people. We must repent of our sins. When we pray we must tell God and admit to Him that we sinned. We must express our intention not to repeat the same mistake again. Our God is full of mercy and He will surely forgive us of our sins if only we are sincere in asking forgiveness. 7 Conclusion In my presentation of the Gospel to Christianity, I am so aware that people have different beliefs in their lives. Normally, they will believe what they know from the teachings of their parents and then to the Church where they belong. I do not blame this people because they are entitled to their own beliefs. However, in this paper, I am also concerned of the opportunity that I can share important points of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and convince any one that we are indeed in the mercy of our Redeemer. No matter how righteous we are, if we do not accept Jesus Christ in our lives through baptism and the corresponding commandments that is part of it, we cannot be saved. Salvation is something that we need to work on. It is not given in a silver platter. The sacrifice that Jesus Christ gave for us to be saved will complete our efforts to be saved. The idea of heaven is very fulfilling because in essence we all want to live there. It is up to us if we truly want to prepare in this life to attain it. If we do not work while we are dominating our physical body, we might lose the opportunity when we die. It is respectfully recommended that we study the scriptures often. It is our constant guide in the gospel. We should pray every time we feel like praying for that is a very special invitation that we feel in our hearts to come closer to Jesus Christ. Finally, I salute those righteous people who are already keeping Jesus Christ in their hearts and already following His gospel. We should not forget that in everything we do in His name, there are oppositions lurking behind it that we need to overcome. Temptations to do bad should not hinder us in living with Jesus Christ through eternity. Eternity would only be a long time if we do not know how to endure to the end. Together with our families and friends, let us freely live the gospel of Jesus Christ. 8 Works Cited Palmer, Ken. 11 November 2007. Life of Christ. 20 November 2007. < http: //www. lifeofchrist. com/life/lifescan/. Pulvermacher, Luclan. 8 December 1978. The Catholic Church and Salvation. 20 November 2007. < http://www. truecatholic. org/cathsalv. htm.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Assessing Employee Perception on the Imperativeness for Sustainable Development in Organizations

Assessing Employee Perception on the Imperativeness for Sustainable Development in Organizations Background of Corporate Sustainability: During earlier times, the main objective of organizations was efficient utilization of resources and to capitalize on the fact that how efficient an organization is to convert its capital into profits (Jensen and Meckling 1976). The main role of the government is to make suitable structure which ensures that a leverage is built between this comportment of organizations in always achieving optimum amount of profits with overarching societal goals (Friedman 1970). A lot of management associates and researchers have confronted this imperativeness of organizations on profit maximization. Their outlook says that organizations have broader accountabilities and not only achieving maximum return on capital. Hence, in this context this thought of corporate sustainability gained importance (Hanley 2000). The concept of sustainability development has emerged from the macroeconomics level. It is primarily based on three factors – environmental reliability, economic wealth and social justi ce. They are also popularly known as three supports of sustainability (Elliott 2005). Since organizations have full access to the productive resources of the economy so, without organizational support sustainable development will not be so much effective (Bansal 2002). Background of Employee Perception: Fabricating an understanding of the societal behaviour from the information one generates from senses is known as perception. On the other hand, we can also say that perception is the method by which one can form opinions about other person’s qualities and characters. (Myers, 2004). Many debates have occurred stating that perception is the single most important determinant of human behaviour. In addition to that there can be no behaviour without perception. However concentrating on managers in an organization, OB theorists argue that, since there cannot be one specific strategy for analysing the perception of other people. So, ultimately it will depend on managers own ingenuity, creative skill set and contemplative abilities to handle perception (Rao and Narayan 1998). Employee perception and sustainable development in organizations. Unfortunately, this relation of employee perception and corporate sustainability has not been explored fully. Fewer empirical research has been done in this area which justifies or even mediates the relation between employees and sustainability. Neither in relation to employee perception of their organizations sustainable development or how corporate sustainability effect their everyday work outlook and behaviour (Aguilera et al. 2007) Lately, OB researchers have comprehended normative theory in the framework of sustainable development. Specially, researchers have argued, if employees’ perception is that organization has followed the path of profit generation by imbedding sustainable development into their organizational procedures, this will have positive effect of employees perception (Rupp et al. 2006) Hypothesis: Employee perception is positively related to sustainable development in an organization. Many studies have associated sustainable development with perceptive, responsive and behavioural employee reactions (Becker-Olsen et al. 2006).

Friday, September 27, 2019

Family And Local History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Family And Local History - Essay Example Local history surviving records, their location and uses Record of protests in the royal burgh of Perth are located in Perth and Kinross archives, these records are stored under the record number B59/11 and date from 1809 to 1849, these records can be used to the understand the issues of the people who lived in Perth and the reasons that forced them to hold the protests. A limitation in these records is that they have only been recorded for a short period of time between 1809 and 1849, which may make them not fully show the trend or the frequency of the protests in the long run. Another record that is available in the Perth and Kinross council archives is the register of acts of town council and indexes to the council minutes, which are recorded in under the identity B59/16-17. The register of acts of town council contains acts that were made between 1601 and 1752 while the indexes to the minutes of the council and the acts are recorded for the years between 1500 and 1797. These reco rd are relevant in explaining the evolution of the council acts and proceedings, in addition they also show the issues that were prioritised in that period depending on the number of acts or the depth of the act relating to that issue. Treasurer accounts of the council which are stored under the identification number B59/18 are recorded for the period between 1670 and 1765,these records shows the treasures charge and discharge with details of expenditure and income of the council including the names of burgesses entered and the names of all council employees (Dobson, 64). These records can be used to determine the trends of expenditure and sources of income for the council of Perth, this information can be used by modern day... This essay stresses that most of the records in the Perth and Kinross council archive collection include documents on how the region was governed which include the legal and administrative documents. Other documents were on how the authority carried out their financial processes and regulated business activities. However, these records contain scanty documents on family issues and the specific demographic characteristics. This paper makes a conclusion that to encourage people from, other regions of the world who may not be conversant with the ancient language used in Scotland, texts such as those that have financial and legal information should have a simpler version created which is easier to understand while still maintaining the original information. In order to increase the number of people that can access historical information on Perth and Kinross, the authorities should have copies of the documents in archives of other major cities in addition to posting them on the internet to build the desire of internet users to tour the country especially in the 2014 homecoming celebrations. Financial information contained in the collection has used the old standards of accounting principles; this makes it hard for the visitors, especially those from outside the United Kingdom to understand some of the information since they may not be conversant with the accounting procedures used.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Literature and society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Literature and society - Essay Example Marlon Brando, the main character, plays as a former boxer as well as a longshoreman who is accidentally engaged with dishonest labor unions the slaughter of young Joey (Elia 36). Marlon works as a puppet for corrupt bosses in the movie. We constantly see conflict of values since there are individuals who have embodied truth as well as law whereas corruption prevails on one side. Brando’s Terry Malloy has lost in an important boxing fight having been persuaded by his brother. Terry plays a man with a conscience torn between two sides. Le asks him to monitor and spy on Barry, Malden’s father and Eva Saint’s Edie. Soon Terry witnesses their good plans but initially he is doubtful and mocks them (Elia 27). He gets confused since he wants to assist Edie and at the same time wants to meet expectations of Charley and Johnny. Individualism is a theme that has been well illustrated in this movie. Terry is experiencing a lot of hardships just because of Friendly, the self –centered individual. Friendly is an individualist since he is inspired by his own interests to make taint the working atmosphere with corruption. The play waiting for Lefty by Odets explores union movements by workers because they have been let down by their seniors (Odets 56). Collectivism is broadly spread since communism is what the employees aim as protest to strike. Tax drivers suggest striking as the ideal option to seek out the attention of their seniors. The only individuals who skipped the strike were the people in forefront organizing the strike and the military workers. Even after finding out that the union leader had already been murdered by their senior they still carried on with the fight for their own rights. Collectivism is further illustrated because the author creates the presence of Lefty as crucial even though the union does not disintegrate and collapse with his absence. However, Lefty`s absence made the protest more

Air Pollution Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Air Pollution - Research Paper Example More importantly, there were very few public agencies and academic institutions tracking environmental health effects caused by air pollution on a regional scale. This lack of regional-scale environmental health monitoring and studies has raised the concern and awareness of both regional municipal administrations and the general public in recent years. A fundamental assessment of air pollution and related adverse health effects is needed. Exposure and Health Effects of Air Pollution Air pollution is a complex mixture of particles and gases that can vary in composition depending on geographic location, season, and time of day. In urban settings it consists primarily of particulate matter derived from motor vehicle and industrial emissions, primary gaseous pollutants such as sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide, and the secondary pollutants nitrogen dioxide and ozone (Pope, III and Dockery 709 - 710). Respirable particles are generally classified by aerodynamic diameter and fall into three main modes: a nucleation mode (smaller than 0.1 ?m); an accumulation mode (between 0.1 ?m and 1 ?m); and a coarse mode (larger than 1 ?m) (Pope, III and Dockery 709 - 742). ... cles are present in much higher numbers and present a greater total surface area per unit of mass to carry reactive co-pollutants and interact with cellular targets. Particle size will determine the probability of deposition in different regions of the airways and may impact on clearance dynamics and physiologic responses. Compared to larger particles, fine and ultra fine particles are more likely to deposit in the gas-exchange regions of the lungs, and may not be as readily phagocytosed as larger particles. In addition to size, the inherent toxicity of particles may relate to their composition, with metals in particular being associated with toxicity (Pope, III and Dockery 709 - 742). For air pollution exposure studies, the most prevalent air pollutants are ozone (O3), particulate matter (PM), nitrogen oxide (NOx), and the usual diseases under study have included respiratory and cardiovascular disorders. PMIO can increase susceptibility to respiratory infectious diseases and exacerb ate asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPD) (Stephania et al. 810 - 817). PM and Ozone are also associated with cough, premature death, bronchitis, and decline in lung function. Ozone promotes asthma and causes respiratory illness, especially among children (At a Glance 1-4, Stephania et al. 810 - 817). Although immunological, developmental, and reproductive effects are also mentioned in some papers, such studies are not as common as those examining respiratory or cardiovascular effects (At a Glance 1 - 4, Stephania et al. 810 - 817). Initial epidemiologic studies focused on health effects in the days following periods of severe air pollution. Episodes of extremely high air pollution such as the Meuse Valley Fog of 1930 and the London Fog of 1952 were associated with

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Social policy approaches associated with need, risk and rights Essay

Social policy approaches associated with need, risk and rights - Essay Example The CYF operates under the Public Finance Act 1989 while its responsibilities are formed under other related legislation. The CYF was formed in 1999 to protect the rights of children and to improve outcomes for children and youth at risk. It ensures the delivery of efficient social services along with assisting and supporting the children at risk. It is responsible for ensuring safety to children and young people who have been harmed or offended or are at the risk of being harmed. They do this by the provision of specialist and rehabilitative services. Child, Youth and Family Services help to improve the wellbeing of defenseless and exposed children. It also works for young people exposed to similar risks. Child, Youth and Family services working either in association with other departments or alone funds a number of community-based services. CYF has agreements with a range of Maori, Pacific and community service providers. The department of Child, Youth and Family Services helps the Government to fight child abuse especially for children present in foster care or orphan children who are adopted. The department provides adoption services and keeps a regular check on the foster care and the homes where the adopted children are present. The department works to provide information and education to such children in order promote public awareness of child abuse and degree of neglect in them so that they can differentiate between love and abuse. Along with education, the department puts emphasis on legal care and protection and provides youth justice services children and young people and their families. It helps in development and funding of the required community services for the children and youth at risk. It gives policy advice and services to the Minister of Social Development and Employment and the Government. The Department’s social work is based mainly on the Children, Young Persons, and Their Families Act 1989 some of the most far-sighted and innovati ve legislation. This Act emphasizes the role and responsibilities of families and communities and provides for family decision-making through legal processes known as the family group conferences. The department of Child, Youth and Family Services also works under the legislations of the Adoption Act 1955, Adult Adoption Information Act 1085, Adoption (Intercountry) Act 1997, Guardianship Act 1968 and The Social Worker Registration Act 2003. The Social Worker Registration Act 2003 was introduced and passed into law on 9 April 2003. The main purpose of the Act is to improve the efficiency of social work in New Zealand. A social worker who wants to become registered under the Act, is required to have qualification of social work, and needs to pass social work competency assessment. The Children, Young Persons and Their Families Act 1989 believes and operates on the principle that the primary role in providing care and protecting a child or young person is the responsibility of the chi ld’s or young person’s family, Whanau, hapu, iwi and family group. It is only when the children are not safe or are at risk of being harmed or offended then according to the principles of the act the children should be placed in family like settings where they develop a sense of belonging while their personal and cultural identity are maintained. When the children are given for adoption, the department of Children, Youth and Family services prefer families who are

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Ethical Issues and Planning the Audit Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Ethical Issues and Planning the Audit - Essay Example The audit revealed certain flaws in the internal control. If after the auditor has undertaken alternative procedures to assure himself on the reliability of the report there is no assurance that the financial statement is reliable for use by any user. John the auditor may have discovered the poor internal control procedures of the company on inventories and he believes that the valuation method used in estimating the inventories will compromise the integrity of the report and a potential investor to take a risk beyond what he is willing to take if he knew the true values of the inventories. The use of estimates in the valuation of inventories instead of the cost or market which ever is lower rule is a violation of the generally accepted standard. The deviation from the standard must be disclosed and it is the duty of the auditing firm to show the effect on the inventory and on the overall reliability of the financial condition of the company under audit. Is the inventory material in relation to the overall assets of the firm, or of the current assets Was there a physical count made and was the auditor present during the physical count and such count was used in th computation of the inventory These are all considered in assessing whether the opinion of the auditor is unqualified, or a disclosure is necessary. Despite these once there is deviation from the standard of reporting is presenting the inventory values that materially affect the accuracy of the values reported it is the auditor's duty to report. John should submit his report and the outcome of his meeting with Chandler on the matter of substitution by Chandler to the firm's quality assurance board. The report should clearly state that John's findings and the alternative procedures he did, considering the poor internal and complaints of customers on merchandise defects, etc., have not cured the unreliability of the financial report. The Board will be the final arbiter that will decide whether indeed a disclosure is necessary in the report in the "Notes to financial statements" section, or a qualified opinion. Chandler may have ulterior motives in making an unqualified opinion and scope of work, etc. Question 2: Planning the Audit To: Audit Partner Re: Potential problem areas and their impact on the audit plan for Moss Green Ltd. We have undertaken the initial steps in our audit of the above-mentioned client through interviews of their key management officers who might likely be our sources of vital information and approval on items that will be included in the audited financial reports. The officers are Mr. Tom Green the managing director and Wendy Chong who is in charge of the financial affairs of the client particularly the management of the investments and foreign funds that are hedged to secure foreign currency fluctuations. We are concerned on possible problems in the presentation and disclosures of accounts. We learned from the previous auditor that Tom Gross does not have much interest on the financial affairs and he has delegated these to Wendy Chong. The possible problem with Wendy Chong is her refusal to allow disclosures on certain investments that has implications on valuation and contingent liabilities, particularly on hedged accounts. The concern is much more because Wendy enjoys a incentive compensation scheme which my tempt

Monday, September 23, 2019

Youth Consumption and Fragrances Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1

Youth Consumption and Fragrances - Essay Example But the new and cheaper mass brands have registered the highest growth in percentage and absolute levels. The perfumes and fragrances segment have targeted the younger age groups particularly the teen segment. The teens whose ages range from 13 years old to 19-years-old have a total population of 860 million all over the world. These teens have a bigger purchasing power than most of the generations before them. The teens' market is valued at US$250 billionannually worldwide, based on studies done by Euromonitor International. This market segment is a wealthy and sophisticated segment which bodes positive prospects for premium fragrances and celebrity scents. Indeed, celebrity scents have increased the profitability and the resilience of the perfume and fragrances industry on a global sale. Celebrity scents base itself on the established image of an actress or performer and it guarantees a deep consumer base. Hence, this helps fragrance makers to reduce marketing and promotions expens es. Young people look for celebrity scents since they want to imitate their favorite R & B performers, Hollywood actors and actresses and musical artists. Having a good and pleasant smell is a status symbol and an example of making a good impression on one's friends and on one's sweetheart. The basic barometer is this: that what smells good is good, and that what smells bad is bad. The fragrance industry exemplifies that fact that smell is a reflection of material culture and it enhances the olfactory senses of persons. The fragrance market as a whole is composed of these sets: (1) soaps and detergents (in which scents are added in a particular way) (34%); (2) cosmetics and toiletries; and (3) others (air fresheners, polishes, foods, and others) which are designed to convey an unconscious scent experience. (41%). The market is equally shared between flavors (51%) and fragrances (49%). Perfumes, fragrances and deodorants are part of a global beauty business that has been pegged at US $160 billion dollars a year with a very high annual growth rate of 7%. The seven percent growth rate is higher than the growth rate of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the world's developed countries. The estimated global market in 2008 for the perfumes and fragrances segment is pegged at US $15 billion dollars. The Japanese market accounts for US $4.5 billion (Fuji Keizai, 2002, "Fragrance," p. 145).

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Disaster in Franklin County Essay Example for Free

Disaster in Franklin County Essay The role of the major public health personnel, including the public health nurse, is to provide the public with accurate information, and to assure the community, as well as ensure the immediate safety and well-being of the members of the community, while being competent compassionate and accessible. The public health director was contacted by the incident commander to attend the incident briefing due to immediate and long term public health impacts. The fire chief gave report concerning how many people were confirmed dead, what time it occurred and what county(s) were affected. He made the public aware if any hazardous materials had been released and where and whether the hazardous materials team had been dispatched. He also notifies the community of areas of flooding, and any impassable roads and the roads that are closed, as well as any power outages, and possible long term problems that may occur from power loss such as water contamination, and food loss due to spoilage. The fire chief also informs the public that the plan for search and rescue has been initiated. The public health staff had previously had National Incident Management System (NIMS) training. The deputy director sets up the incident command center and does the head count of available responders. The most ideal personnel were not totally available; there were an appropriate number to set up section chiefs and command staff. The chain of command that was used in the simulation consisted of the Public Health Team which included the County Public Health Director, Environmental Health Specialists, and Community Health Nurses, as well as Franklin county staff members, mental health, and social workers, which allowed the community health nurse to have resources available that were used to deal with situations that were outside the nurse’s scope of practice included reporting to EOC well treatment hazardous waste removal. Actions taken by the community health nurse when she encountered possible emergency situations during the door-to-door interviews was to Calm and triage families and offer reassurance and instruction on safety. The public health personnel had to deal with multiple problems both during the initial period and after the immediate danger had past. Actions taken by the community health nurse to help the people who were interviewed cope with the situations after the flooding were: to advise them to stay at shelter where there is electricity and food to contact Environmental health specialists for toxic waste To contact Social services to address immediate needs and resources. To arrange for instruction on safe use of generators in English and Spanish. To make arrangement for medications to be delivered the next day. Techniques that were used or could have been used to calm the fears of the people interviewed are to use short and concise statements. Perform active listening and confirm statements by repeating it back to the person being spoken with, use confrontation avoidance, and De-escalation. The other nursing personnel could be prepared to help in responding to a similar emergency with a much larger affected area (e.g., the effect of Hurricane Katrina). Through the development of a well-organized disaster response plan. Public health staff requires National Incident Management System (NIMS) training. Emergency preparedness training should be performed at least every six months. There needs to be a method of communication in case power lines, towers and electricity are not available; have a backup system in place and know where they are located (e.g. include, walkie talkies, Morse code and emailing). Community nurses should have car stock that includes protective gear (PPE) such as N-95 mask, barriers for CPR, gloves, biohazard containers and isolation gowns. Knowledge of the basic steps that are needed to take to ensure patient safety, such as safe evacuation, and early notification will help prevent unnecessary casualties during emergencies (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Accessed July 21, 2006. References Centers for Public Health Education and Outreach. (n.d.). Retrieved from Health Care: Public Health Emergency Preparedness. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Friday, September 20, 2019

Electronic Surveillance Invasion Of Privacy Philosophy Essay

Electronic Surveillance Invasion Of Privacy Philosophy Essay Electronic surveillance has become part of our everyday life for quite some time by now. When we make a call to most service companies or organizations, we almost always hear the computer voice: Forreason, this phone call is monitored. When we go to work, turn on the computer, it says on the screen: your activity is monitored. Everywhere we look, we found surveillance cameras, on the street, in the mall, at school We found them in the United States as well as most of the other countries in the whole world. Over ABC news, one day I heard about the humming bird the US military was developing to help the troops in the field. It is remote controlled, looks and flies like a humming bird, with a camera on it. Ive never been too worried about the privacy issue until I see this little bird flying around. Its so small, it has the ability to go basically everywhere. If its used in the military, who can say its never going to be used by general public? If everybody can buy one, is it possible for somebody to buy one as a toy and fly it around the park? Or how about a kid flying it around the apartment building or the neighborhood? Will we need to get rid of all the windows of our houses to have some privacy? The news keep reporting a lot of cases in which the criminals were caught because of the use of electronic surveillance. Whenever this happens, most people might think its really a good thing. It is definitely good if video cameras only catch bad guys, but thats never going to be possible, it either catchs everything or nothing at all. Watching the crimes being committed on a video would sure brings definite evidences the same as hearing the criminals talk about their crimes on the phone. In court, electronic surveillance has been very successful. But as communications advance, the surveillance techniques has became more and more intrusive to privacy. One has to agree that electronic surveillance does play an important role in criminal investigation in this information era, but we also cant deny the fact that its very intrusive and its even becoming more and more intrusive because of the advancing technology. Ethical dilemma Now, weve reached a ethical dilemma here. First of all, electronic surveillance is helpful in law enforcement. Definitely no doubt at all. In fact, law enforcement agents requests lots and lots of information from all sorts of organizations, from wiretaps, surveillance cameras, to cell phone locations and e-mails. The most familiar one we all know is whenever there is car stolen, robbery broken in, or anything, surveillance cameras films are pulled out to the light to identify criminals. Some of the things we might not know as much: in 2006 alone, AOL received about one thousand request from the law enforcement on a monthly basis; in 2009, the website Face book received more than ten request daily; some cell phone companies even have websites, so the police can use the data from it freely. Overall, thousands of electronic surveillance are ordered every year by the law enforcement. Or we might even say, for solving almost every crime, there is some type of electronic surveillance used . On the other hand, privacy concern is getting more and more of an issue. When the very early type of surveillance was used, like wiretaps, they are only conducted on people who are suspected of some sort of crime, not on regular legitimately behaved citizens. But after surveillance cameras came into play, everything, everybody is monitored, legitimate or not, guilty or not, people are all watched all the time in work place, on the street or most public places. Luckily, we still have our privacy left in our own home if we want. But if later on, the little humming bird come into life, we might as well lose that, by then, there would be barely any privacy left if any at all. Then what shall we do as a society? Should we keep current surveillance, or even add lots more to make the world a safer place to live? Or should we get rid of all the surveillance, and all the advance technology and go back to what we had during the very early days? Or do we want to use the surveillance and at the same time protect privacy as much as possible? How do we approach that? Analyzing by the use of ethical theories Kant First of all, lets see what Kant would say about this situation. Kants Categorical Imperative (First Formula) says: to act only from the moral rules that you can at the same time will to be universal moral laws. We might put the moral rule this way: it is okay for the law enforcement to use electronic surveillance. Now, in order to evaluate this morale rule, we try to put it into a universal rule. Law enforcement can use electronic surveillance whenever they want. Since surveillance works very well, if the court accepts any evidence from electronic surveillance, and law enforcement is allowed to put surveillance over anybody at any place any time, we might find surveillance cameras everywhere, maybe even in our bedrooms or bathrooms. Thus, by then, people would have no expect about privacy anymore. Under such circumstances, people who want to conduct criminal activities wont be doing it under public light, or anywhere that electronic surveillance can reach, they might be doing it in underground tunnels or under the water, or they might invent some type of shield or clothes such that the cameras wont go through, or whatever way thats possible. Of course they wont be using phone calls, or e-mails or any other electronic communication methods. They might be using pigeons or bugs or whatever works to send messages. So, by then, all the surveillance we have wont be useful any more, thus the idea that surveillance will help fight crimes, catch criminals wont be true any more. So we conclude it would reach contradictory when we try to universal the rule. Then, Kants Second Formulation of Categorical Imperative points out it is wrong for one person to use another person. When the law enforcement use wiretap on a suspect, Kant would probably say its okay. But for the cases of surveillance cameras and other surveillance which targets all the people in general, the law enforcement are using the legitimate people trying to find out who the criminals are. Those people who are lawful citizens should not be treated as means to an end. So it is wrong for law enforcement to watch over everybody trying to find the bad guys. Act Utilitarian Act utilitarian uses the Principle of Utility to just moral issues, it believes an action is right if it increases the total happiness of all the affected parties, and an action is wrong if it decreases the total happiness of the affected parties. Lets say law enforcement is using surveillance cameras in neighborhood parks in order to detect possible criminal activities. Now, lets try to determine all the affected parties and the change of their happiness. First of all, the camera is there to watch over the park, so the police department dont need as many patrols out there, that would save them some money. Also, cameras are on twenty-four hours a day, and it shows absolute evidence, people can watch it, replay it, it most likely will even work better than if a patrol is there in person. The camera might help to keep the criminals away, make it a better neighborhood to live in, thus everybody in the neighborhood will benefit. On the other hand, people who lives around the park, maybe going there quite a few times a day, and dont feel like being watched all the time, so they might chose not to go to the park at all. Especially, people who live right by the park might worry the cameras could possibly see what theyre doing in thei r house, that might cause them great discomfort. They might even move away from the park to free themselves. In this case we need to decide which side weights more, if there is barely anybody living around the park, and there are a lot of criminal activities going on over there, utilitarianism might say its better to have some surveillance cameras there. But for the places where many people live around with very rarely any criminal activities happen, it might not be such a good idea to put surveillance cameras there. The only problems here is, most likely, where there are more people, there are more crimes happening. Rational people would agree not much crimes are happening deep in the forest. So the issue becomes, the places where surveillance cameras are most in need are places where there are more people, but at the same time, thats the place where we would appreciate not having the cameras. Rule Utilitarian Rule utilitarianism holds that we should use those moral rules which, if followed by everyone, will lead to the greatest increase in total happiness. Now lets look at the same universal moral rule as we used for Kant: Law enforcement can use electronic surveillance whenever they want. If law enforcement can use whatever surveillance they want and it holds up in court, they would not hesitate to use it, since that would make them break into the criminal cases way easier. Thus we might came upon such scenario: everybody is required to wear a cap with a camera on it, or a pair of earrings with tiny cameras on the bottom, so the law enforcement can watch over all our activities, thus nothing will go hidden, no criminal activities will go without being find out. Then we will be living in an absolute transparent world. How about if the technology advance so much, people might invent something that could tell if people are thinking evil, if such detection chip is planted in everyones head, then, surely, there wouldnt be any crimes happening at all. If there is no crimes on the world, all the legitimate citizens would definitely benefit. Also, if there is no crimes, we probably dont even need the entire justice branch of the country, or any attorneys, or weapons or such, thats going to be a great big save. If there is no crime, everybody will have lot less to worry about everyday, it should be way easier for people to stay happy. The first negative consequence of such an universal adoption of electronic surveillance is that its going to cost the taxpayers a lot of money to have all the cameras installed, all the special software or device designed and produced to put into use. Also, a lot of law enforcement personals would be needed to monitor all these many people in the country. Whats the ratio of law enforcement to citizen? One to five? Ten? Thats a question. The most harmful consequence of massive electronic surveillance would be the unhappiness caused to people by having very little privacy. Were born to love freedom, nobody love to be watched all the time. If people are not happy living in this country, theyll go somewhere else where freedom and privacy is valued more. Thus, US as a nation, will be downgraded, less and less people will want to come and work here, our own best elites will definitely seek opportunities elsewhere, the whole country and everyone inside would be worse off. In conclusion, the possible harm caused by adopting the universal moral rule seems to exceed the possible benefits. So the rule utilitarianism would probably say using electronic surveillance for law enforcement is wrong. Social Contract Theory Social contract theory states that it is morally right for one person to act according to a moral rule that is accepted by rational people because of the mutual benefits of adopting such a rule, given others follow the rules as well. To apply social contract theory, we identify the rational agents and their rights. The morality of the action of the law enforcement depends on whether the privacy rights of the people is violated. Most of us would agree having privacy is one way the society gives to rational adults on the account that they will be responsible for whatever they do. We dont give much privacy to babies or toddlers, because mostly they dont know what they are doing, and they need somebody to watch over them, also we generally dont hold them responsible for what they do. We as adults, take care of them, and are responsible for their behaviors. If were being watched over like babies, would that imply we dont know what were doing, and need some supervision all the time? If thats the case, how can the law enforcement know what they are doing, on what ground can they have the right and ability to watch our the rest of the world? Should they themselves be watched over at the same time? On the other hand, if were treated like babies, we shouldnt be responsible for what we do. Some might argue we dont have rights to privacy the same way as we have right to life and to our own property. But we mostly would agree, giving people some privacy have many benefits. Privacy gives people the opportunity to do what they please, to be themselves, to grow in their own unique way. Generally speaking, people expect privacy when they are in their private places, such as bedrooms; people expect certain things to be private such as how much money they have in the bank; or what they said to their girlfriend or boyfriend or such. Privacy is valued in our society, a rational people would agree, having some privacy is good to everybody because nobody wants to live under a camera and have other people watch how many times they went to bathrooms or even how many scars are over their bodies. In conclusion, according to social contract theory, it is wrong for law enforcement to use electronic surveillance because it violates the privacy of the general public. Consequences if electronic surveillance is not allowed Now, look at the other side of the issue. What would happen if electronic surveillance is not allowed at all? Of course we would have our privacy back, people will be living a happier life being able to do what they please without being watched. But what about law enforcement? Will we be able to capture any criminals? Were better off than our ancestors in many ways, such as, we have better clothes, better food, better education and so on. But the world is also getting more and more dangerous, all the newest technology, the advance in education also made it possible for some criminals to do huge damage to the society. If electronic surveillance arent allowed in court, will we be able to catch those people and put them in jail? The chances might be very low. If criminals figure out the law enforcement cant reach them, most likely theyll do a lot more damage, if people know they cant be caught for the bad things they do, most likely theyll keep doing it, and other people who use to be legitimate person might even find out stealing from other people is way easier than working hard to gain something, if lots of other people are doing it, why cant they? Computers are used by almost everybody here in US, people conduct crimes on co mputers, some might sell illegal things on the web, some might sent viruses to destroy other peoples computer, all sorts of bad things could happen, thus it is becoming increasing important that the law enforcement can stay on top of the technology and keep the criminal activities under control. If there are all legitimate people on the world, then we sure dont need any surveillance, we can have all our privacy. But thats not the case, then, some type of surveillance will be needed to watch over those who are trying to damage the society. Decision and Implementation From the point of view of Kant, act utilitarianism, rule utilitarianism, and social contract theory, we have all concluded it is wrong for the law enforcement to use electronic surveillance for law enforcement. But on the other hand, because of the advancing in technology and education, criminals these days are becoming very good at covering what they do, so surveillance is needed in lots of ways to protect the general public from the harm the criminals might cause, and it is important for law enforcement to have some electronic surveillance, so they can effectively catch those criminals and give the punish they deserve, thus people will be living in a much more safer environment. Now we realize we all want as much privacy as possible, but we also want to live in a safe place where criminals are punished for the bad things they do, thus electronic surveillance becomes something we dont like, but we got to have some. That happens a lot in life, suppose somebody might dont like vegetables at all, but because of the benefits vegetable brings, they have to eat some, since they all want to live a healthy and long life. But at the same time, they might be able to find all sorts of ways to make the vegetables tastier to their desire, so they will more likely want to eat it, even possibly enjoy eating it. Now how should we implement such theory on electronic surveillance? How can we use it in such a way that brings more beneficiary than damage? Congress has already passed many laws relating to protecting peoples privacy, such as the Video Privacy Protection Act, the Fair Credit Reporting Act, and so on, but the technology is advancing so rapidly, which makes it hard for the congress to react and come up with new law regarding new issues. So, first of all, we will need a group of elites who possess the newest technology in the legislative group, so they will be able to come up with supportive laws as fast as needed. This way the gap between new technology and the laws will be luckily filled up. On the other hand, its a good idea to use every possible way to actively promote virtues in people in the country, higher education is one way to pursue this, high education will bring people up to some level of understanding about how the society function as a whole, how is it important that everybody in the whole nation, whole world need to work together to make the universe a better place to live in. Other than that, good economy, good living condition, good relationship between family members and relatives and friends, all those together will give people a sense of belonging, make people happier and such that not as many people will be thinking about committing crimes, which then leads to less surveillance needed, so in return well all have more privacy. Also, another very important part is how can we make sure our law enforcement personals are well trained about how important it is to stick to their code of professional ethics, such that people can trust them not to misuse priva te information, and there should be strict laws to regulate when such things does happen. If legitimate person can trust law enforcement to only use their information for specific reasons, they would be more willing to provide such information and give away some of their privacy.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Use Of Symbolism In The Catcher In The Rye and The Great Gatsby Essay

Use Of Symbolism In â€Å"The Catcher In The Rye† and â€Å"The Great Gatsby† There are many writers like James Joyce, Patrick Kananach and Thomas Moore who use symbolism to convey and support indirect meaning in their writings. J.D. Salinger and F. Scott Fitzgerald both use symbolism in similar ways. In both â€Å"The Catcher In The Rye† and â€Å"The Great Gatsby†, the authors used symbolism to convey emotions and reality.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In â€Å"The Catcher In The Rye†, J.D. Salinger uses Holden’s red hunting cap, the exhibits at the Museum of Natural History and â€Å"kings in the back row† as symbols whose meanings help tell the story. Holden’s red hunting hat stands for Holden’s disapproval of adult society and phonies. Although, Holden and his hat are out of place in New York, he loves this hat because it demonstrates his difference and independence from other kids his age. He becomes more and more attached to his hat because he feels like a catcher in the rye when he wears the hat. Holden cannot let go of his hat, like he cannot let go of his childhood. The Museum of Natural History is used to signify Holden’s fear of change. Holden enjoys looking at the mummies and the exhibits at the museum because they never change and are frozen in time. Holden realizes that he changes every time he goes back and sees the exhibits, but the exhibits do not change. He wishes that his childhood world would last forever like his exhibits. Salinger also uses the setting of New York City as a symbol. Although H...

Affirmative Action v. Reverse Discrimination :: essays research papers fc

Affirmative action in the U.S. started to come about in the early nineteen sixties. It was enacted along with many other anti-segregation laws, as part of the "Civil Rights act of 1964 and an executive order in 1965 (Affirmative, Encyclopedia Britannica par. 2)." Today affirmative action is still going strong. It has many positive aspects, but it also has several negative affects, one of which is "reverse discrimination. Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary defines affirmative action as "an active effort to improve the employment or education opportunities of members of minority groups and women." Some of the other areas of emphasis are age, religion, and ethnic origin. I feel the same as the authors of the Encyclopedia of the American Constitution, when they said these laws were brought about because, In the judgment of a good many Americans, equality qua equality, even when conscientiously enforced with an even hand, would neither suffice to enable those previously deprived on racial grounds to realize the promises of equality of opportunity, nor would it atone, and provide redress, for the ravages wrought by two centuries of past discrimination. Consequently†¦ programs were established†¦ to go well beyond "mere" equality of opportunity and provide not only remedial but preferential compensatory action, especially in the worlds of EDUCATION and employment (Affirmative, Encyclopedia American 34). However, even as early as 1978 the Supreme Court has made it a point to not support laws that provide for "reverse discrimination," which Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary defines as "discrimination against whites or males as in employment or education." The Supreme Court stated that this isn’t acceptable when it decided "reverse discrimination" is not acceptable legally or constitutionally (Affirmative, Encyclopedia American 35). I think what they mean by this is that, even though affirmative action is necessary, it should not be so harsh as to make it so the "majority" is then discriminated against in return, because then it is just reversing the discrimination, hence the term "reverse discrimination." There have been many court cases that support each side of this issue. There were some major Supreme Court cases that led up to affirmative action. One of which was Plessy v. Ferguson 1896 in which it was deemed that the constitution meant politically equal not socially equal, which was held up until Brown v. Board of Education Topeka Kansas 1954. Brown v. The Board was a huge stepping stone towards affirmative action, because it started the processes of desegregation.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Conditions and Effects of the Evolving Electronic Economy on Labor Essa

Conditions and Effects of the Evolving Electronic Economy on Labor â€Å"But I think what surprised me as much as anything was not to find any stores on Washington Street, or any banks on State. What have you done with the merchants and bankers? Hung them all, perhaps, as the anarchists wanted to do in my day?† â€Å"Not so bad as that,† replied Dr. Leete. â€Å"We have simply dispensed with them. Their functions are obsolete in the modern world.† (60) Looking Backward by Edward Bellamy, 1887 Edward Bellamy’s futuristic conception of commerce in the 21st century unintentionally created a surprisingly accurate representation of the emerging electronic economy. The use of computer technology and the internet is allowing the creation of greater corporate profit margins at the expense of labor. There is a clear march towards â€Å"seamless† electronic transactions that removes many established forms of traditional marketing and employment that have existed for centuries. Funded by corporations, government, and ironically by consumers themselves, the evolving wireless economy promises to accelerate consumption at a blistering pace with little thought about the need for labor to have viable forms of income to sustain consumption. We are on the threshold of establishing global economic methods of manufacturing and distribution promoted by a capitalistic quest for profit that has not considered the far-reaching implications of dissolving existing methods of commerce or consequences of increased production. Capitalists have grandiose plans for increasing production and consumption at the expense of labor, but few plans for sustaining income for labor to support consumption. They have neglected to recognize or plan for the inherent flaws of capitalism that will have a tremendous effect on our future system of economy and society. At this time, we can only postulate theories about the outcome of our transformation to a digital, global economy. The indicators, however, predict a continuation of trends that do not portray favorable situations for labor or to support a cohesive society. In his book Looking Backward, Edward Bellamy astutely envisioned future methods of transactions that are increasingly becoming our reality, and his description of contrast between old and new world commerce could not have been more clear: â€Å"That must be a tremendous saving of handling,† I said. â€Å"... ... Atkinson, Robert. The New Economy Index, Understanding America’s Economic Transformation. Washington, D.C.: Progressive Policy Institute Technology, Innovation, and the New Economy Project, 1998 Bellamy, Edward. Looking Backward 2000-1887. New York: Random House, 1982 Braverman, Harry. Labor and Monopoly Capital, The Degradation of Work in the Twentieth Century. New York: Monthly Review Press, 1998 Byrnes, Nanette. Internet Anxiety: Part in envy, part in fear, Corporate America is embracing a radically new business model. Business Week. June 29, 1999 Fiore, Frank. e-Marketing Strategies. Indiana: Que Publishing Company, 2001 Hanson, Ward. Principles of Internet Marketing. Ohio: South Western College Publishing, 2000 Hoque, Faisal. e-Enterprise. Business Models, Architecture and Components. Cambridge: University Press, 2000. Press, Associated. Does Tax Plan Repeat History? Sonora: The Union Democrat, March 12, 2001 Rosner, Bob. Getting Laid Off Isn’t The End of the World. San Francisco Chronicle, March 11, 2001 Stricker, Frank. Causes of the Great Depression, or What Regan Doesn’t Know About the 1920s. Dominguez Hills: California State University, 2000

Tuesday, September 17, 2019


Institutions are establishments or organizations that contain individuals as a mechanism to maintain control and a secure environment. However, the institution can restrict to an extent of an individual's experience and liberty of the world, resulting in conflict against the institution. Though many individuals apply themselves towards the institution with the nature of compliance, other individuals may be restricted therefore behaving in a conflicting fashion towards the institution.This is demonstrated through Harper Lee’s â€Å"To Kill a Mockingbird† by concentrating the audience’s attention to the social inequality in Maycomb representing the communities institution. Similarly within Suzanne Collin’s novel â€Å"The Hunger Games†, the institutional government is illustrated and is explored through the situations face by the individuals contained in it. Furthermore, institutional confinements elaborate the hierarchical structure enhancing or limi ting an individual within the system.As represented in Harper Lee’s â€Å"To Kill a Mockingbird†, a nature of compliance and defiance is evident within the town of Maycomb. Evaluating on this, the protagonist ‘Atticus’ depicts elements of defiance by resisting to the social means that are accustomed to in the community. Accounting for the institution’s behaviour of containment, people at the top of the institution have the ability of corruption. This is best demonstrated in the court scene where the racist views of the white residents of Maycomb are juxtaposed with Atticus Finch’s desire to represent a black client.The injustice that is present in Maycomb, is best addressed as Atticus challenges the jury to â€Å"do their duty, in the name of God†, as they decide whether Tom Robinson is guilty, despite the fact that there is no â€Å"probable cause† for supposedly raping Mayella Ewell, a white woman. This empathetic challenge by Atticus acts as the voice of reason against the racist, regressive elements of â€Å"southern† culture in the 1930’s. The institution, the town of Maycomb has been operating in a corrupt manner by segregated black and white communities within Maycomb.This segregation is again demonstrated in the court some exchanges, as the black citizen must stand in the stalls, whilst â€Å"white folk† cans sit on the same level as the judge and other court officials. In addition, Suzanne Collin’s â€Å"The Hunger Games† illustrates the nature of a governmental institution and how individuals are able to adapt or resist to the establishment. Within the novel, the protagonist Katniss Everdeen is elected to compete in the annual ‘Hunger Games’ a brutal competition containing individuals to signify the former defiance from the past districts.Through the protagonist’s portrayal of defiance, it is evident that one’s institutional thinking u ndergoes transformation, furthermore granting ability of opinion and greatly influencing an individual’s extent of restriction within the institution. This is supported through the statement of a participant of the games, â€Å"if I am going to die, I still want to be me†. Suzanne Collin uses this to express the emotions of a character experiencing the effects the institution, depicting the individuals as a tool or equipment used for manipulation and subsequently dehumanizing the individual.Conversely, within â€Å"To Kill a Mockingbird† the corrupted institution relies more on the community to progressively change people’s perspective rather than utilising threats. This is shown through the underlying nature of the public on how to behave within the town of Maycomb. Throughout the scene of the confrontation of Atticus Finch outside the town’s jail, the community’s men arise to form a mob creating a single identity. However, when the protago nist Atticus directs him individually towards a man, the man is shown to be contextually righteous and was only conforming to the society’s standards.This proposes the argument whether an institution is built on corruption demonstrated in â€Å"The Hunger Games† or is built on manipulation demonstrated in â€Å"To Kill a Mockingbird†. Evaluating on the manner of both characteristics of each institution it is evident that they share common aspects. Throughout both texts it is apparent that institutional thinking and institutional behaviours derive from the different social rankings that individuals subconsciously acquire.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Am Certain and It Is Certain

Two very specific different messages are conveyed when one says â€Å"l am certain† versus â€Å"it is certain. When one says â€Å"l am certain,† it is understood by the recipient to mean that the individual is in the highest mental state of being without a doubt. However, this differs from â€Å"It Is certain† because the word â€Å"It† Implies a consensus genteel, an agreement, without a doubt, between many humans In making a knowledge claim. In both cases a knowledge claim Is being made with confidence, but one person's certainty Is based on the Individual's perception, Intuition. Season or emotion, whereas a whole group of mankind making a knowledge claim depends on many different people's perceptions, reasons, and emotions. Since a great number of people consists of many individuals and their unique perceptions, reasons, and emotions, when a knowledge claim is made by all, the claim is transferred from simply a belief to a Justified belief. However, even though the number of people may vary from one to many, we must take into consideration the fact that there are various degrees of certainty.How would one quantify amount of certainty one holds, or be able to create a universal scale for measuring degrees of certainty? Certainty within a people or an individual can have been rooted from many efferent factors, of which one is passionate conviction. The question, addressing passionate conviction, Inquires whether It Is ever sufficient for Justifying knowledge claim. The question Is Implying whether passionate conviction alone, not Including reason, is sufficient for justifying knowledge claims.Passionate conviction that does not take root in reason must be coming from solely the emotional state, which is not sufficient for Justifying knowledge in most cases because further evidence should be presented and should be able to be agreed upon from one's perception (if possible ND reason. â€Å"l am passionately convinced that daffodi ls bloom in the springtime† is a knowledge claim that is based on reason and perception, which fuel the passionate conviction.However, passionate conviction that isn't based on other ways of knowing is usually not sufficient for Justifying claims. However, there are a few instances where passionate convictions may be sufficient for Justifying knowledge. Since passionate conviction Is rooted In emotion, an emotion can dictate your passionate conviction. If I feel empathy for someone being treated abusively, my passionate invention may be enough to Justify my â€Å"knowledge† that the other person desires to not De put tongue ten solution.However, tender are, again many Deterrent levels AT passionate conviction. How would you measure the degree of passionate conviction? Furthermore, is one basis for passionate conviction more valuable than another basis for passionate conviction, and does that change the strength of one's passionate conviction? These are a few knowledge i ssues that need to be identified and taken into consideration when deciding whether passionate conviction is sufficient for justifying knowledge.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Homeschooling Your Child Essay

In America today many parents feel that public or private schools are not doing an adequate job of teaching their children. A lot of people feel that our public schools are focusing too heavily on standardized testing and the curriculum is reflecting test taking skills. The homework   load often becomes too much for the student and takes away from family time- in some cases taking four or more hours a night to complete. In many instances the curriculum moves too fast or too slow and the child becomes bored and less attentive or simply gets lost in the coursework. In a classroom with thirty children a single teacher cannot cater to the needs of every single child and this leaves many lost. Some children are very bright and intelligent but they need one on one teaching to learn and reach their full potential. And some choose not to put their children in public schools because it does not offer a religion based curriculum- something that is very important for some families. Lastly children in public schools also come into contact with negative peer pressure such as drugs and violence and in some instances gun violence takes place in schools. By choosing to educate your child at home you can give your child the opportunity for a better education suited to your child’s individual needs. Reasons that drive parents to homeschooling their children include: too much homework, not enough family time, a curriculum based on standardized testing, negative peer pressure including violence and drugs, and the absence of religion in schools. By homeschooling your child you can control the curriculum and you can choose to include religion in the curriculum and the negative peer pressure from fellow students is not there. In order for children to learn they must be put into the correct setting. â€Å"Securing a sage place free of drugs, gun violence, and negative peer pressure were all factors which turned families toward homeschooling.† (Wichers, 2001, p. 145) Homeschooling Your Child In America today many parents feel that public or private schools are not doing an adequate job of teaching their children. A lot of people feel that our public schools are focusing too heavily on standardized testing and the curriculum is reflecting test taking skills. The homework   load often becomes too much for the student and takes away from family time- in some cases taking four or more hours a night to complete. In many instances the curriculum moves too fast or too slow and the child becomes bored and less attentive or simply gets lost in the coursework. In a classroom with thirty children a single teacher cannot cater to the needs of every single child and this leaves many lost. Some children are very bright and intelligent but they need one on one teaching to learn and reach their full potential. And some choose not to put their children in public schools because it does not offer a religion based curriculum- something that is very important for some families. Lastly children in public schools also come into contact with negative peer pressure such as drugs and violence and in some instances gun violence takes place in schools. This topic is important to me because I feel that one day when I have children homeschooling may be an option for them. With the way things are headed now and the things that go on in our public schools I may feel it is best to teach my children myself when I have them. This topic is relevant to many others because of the same reasons and homeschooling is becoming more popular in America with every year. In today’s society there are a lot of people in America that are searching for alternative methods of educating their children and homeschooling can be a great choice. A few reasons that drive parents to homeschooling their children include:   environmental concerns, such as safety, drugs, and negative peer pressure,desire to provide religious or moral instruction, dissatisfaction with academics at other schools, child’s physical and mental health problems, child’s other special needs, and other reasons, including the child’s choice, flexibility, and greater parental control over education. (Abbott, 2006, p. 49) Some families also face too much homework, not enough family time, and a curriculum based on standardized testing when they have children enrolled in the public school system. Children with disabilities and children who demand a more attentive teacher with one on one teaching are great candidates for homeschooling. I also feel disappointed in the fact that our schools no longer involve religion- not even a simple morning prayer. It is to the point where teachers are reprimanded for mentioning religion of any kind. My faith is very important to me and I would like it if faith based instruction was an everyday part of my child’s education. When I think of the future and what my children may encounter on a daily basis at their school I always think of homeschooling if our public school systems get bad enough. When I hear about the violence and drugs that my future children may encounter while at school I consider homeschooling a great option for my future family. Homeschooling can become a good choice for parents who are tired of the test taking based curriculum and the extreme amount of homework that is required of their children. By choosing to home school, the parent and student can decide on a curriculum that best suites the child and that isn’t based on passing one test at the end of that school year. Another plus side to choosing the curriculum is that parents can choose to teach a faith based curriculum and implement religion classes into the coursework. If a child is getting their education at home usually it will involve much less homework and   the child’s spare time can be spent on extra-curricular activities- something that students often feel they don’t have enough time for. Being homeschooled also gives the student and parents more family time because there’s less homework to be done in the evening. Another reason why parents choose homeschooling is because of the violent and drug filled atmosphere in most public middle and secondary schools. Students encounter negative peer pressure while at school and this can lead to drug or alcohol abuse and violent or rebellious behavior. In an atmosphere such as this a child is not given the best opportunity to succeed and sometimes this is enough to convince parents that in home education is best for their child or children. I can’t think of any parents that I know who would want to send their children to a school filled with drugs and violence and that is not a suitable learning environment. Parents know what is best for their child and know how to create the best environment suitable for their child to learn. In homeschooling, parents can give their children more choice and control in their curriculum while teaching them one on one. If a parent decides to home school their child, that child will have the opportunity to advance at their own pace. Children who are homeschooled often learn at a faster pace because they are being taught one on one usually by a parent. By allowing a child to accelerate at a faster pace the child will not become bored with the content taught and will remain focused and interested in the material being taught. Although many Americans are still skeptical of homeschooling there are many advantages to homeschooling your child. Studies have shown that children who are homeschooled tend to score higher on standardized tests such as advanced placement exams, the ACT, and the SAT than do public schooled children. (McReynolds, 2007) It is also shown that children who are homeschooled attend college at higher rates and are in many cases recruited by universities. (Romanowski, 2006, p. 127) Many prestigious schools such as, â€Å"Brown, Georgetown, Harvard, MIT, Princeton, the United States Military Academy at West Point, UC at Berkeley, University of Michigan, Notre Dame, and Yale† are all universities that accept freshman who have been homeschooled and in some cases recruit students who have mostly been homeschooled. (Romanowski, 2006, p. 127) It is just as easy if not easier for homeschooled children to enter into college. It is reported that children who are educated at home usually score about 15% higher on standardized tests than do publicly schooled children. (Wilhelm, 2009) In the year 2005, students who were homeschooled averaged scores of 22.5 while students educated in public schools averaged a 20.9 score. (Abbott, 2006, p. 50) By choosing to educate your child at home you can give your child the opportunity for a better education suited to your child’s individual needs. Reasons that drive parents to homeschooling their children include: too much homework, not enough family time, a curriculum based on standardized testing, negative peer pressure including violence and drugs, and the absence of religion in schools. By homeschooling your child you can control the curriculum and you can choose to include religion in the curriculum and the negative peer pressure from fellow students is not there. In order for children to learn they must be put into the correct setting. â€Å"Securing a sage place free of drugs, gun violence, and negative peer pressure were all factors which turned families toward homeschooling.† (Wichers, 2001, p. 145) References Abbott, M., & Miller, J. (2006). What you need to learn about homeschooling.  Contemporary Pediatrics,  23(11), 48. Retrieved from CINAHL with Full Text database.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In the article titled, â€Å"What you Need to Learn About Homeschooling†, Myles Abbott and Jennifer Miller explore many common reasons why parents choose homeschooling their children over traditional public schools. Abbott and Miller also studied the different

Saturday, September 14, 2019

NAB case study Essay

Question 1: List one strength and weakness for each cultural perspective described in this case study. There are numerous cultural perspectives that have been provided. Three major cultural perspectives have been identified, these include: the integration perspective, ambiguity perspective, as well as the differentiation perspective. The Strength of the cultural perspectives that is described in NAB: Cultural Change Program: Integration Perspective at NAB: this is the most widely applied cultural change perspective. It may be reflected in highly visible and tangible manner all through the organization. It should be noted that there has to be accord in the entire firm and it may be reflected via diverse mediums of organizations such as performance metrics and targets, informal and formal rules, business strategies, as well as management practices that govern traditions stories, together with manifestations. In the situation of NAB, business strategies were client- focused. For the creation of the visible manifestations of the firm’s desired culture, the priorities were observed within the mission, vision statements, as well as in the strategic objectives (Allaire and Firsirotu, 2006). Differentiation Perspective: It views culture to incorporate various cultures. Given that it is highly focused on the inconsistencies that are got at the center of culture, it provides organization the opportunity of correcting inconsistencies thorough having better culture. When the inconsistencies are recognized, a number of cultural initiators may be identified with the firm, both externally and internally (Deal and Kennedy, 2002). Ambiguity Perspective: The perspective, neither adheres to the differentiation nor the integration viewpoint of cultural perspective. On the contrary, it offers the suggestion that the  relationships that exist between cultural manifestations are not having highly effective clarity; rather, they are lacking clarity. With them, there is complete vagueness, as well as a contradiction. Individuals within any firm may have common values and views that they share with one another. However, on some values or views, they may differ. It is observed to be a highly realistic perspective concerning culture since it enables the workers to bring forward the issues that they are disagreeing with the line managers. When the issues are established, via the ambiguity perspective, various steps might be taken in order to resolve them. This will also ensure that the employees are satisfied. Besides, the employees will be involved in the organization’s culture (Denison, 2007). Weakness for the cultural perspectives that are mentioned within NAB: Cultural Change Program: The Integration Perspective: This perspective’s weakness is that when the integration perspective is having any trait that is unfavorable, it will be transferred everywhere within the organization since it is always present within the entire organization. In some cases, culture persists in manners that are invisible and which cannot be detected in the firm. This can also be very harmful (Denison, 2007). Differentiation perspective: through this perspective, various inconsistencies that lie at the culture’s focal point, both internally and externally can be identified. Its weakness is that culture is depicted to be a group of several manifestations that may be contradictory to one another (Denison, Cho, and Young, 2000). Ambiguity Perspective: with the ambiguity perspective, employees may agree on certain management issues. However, in other instances, they may pretend to be ignorant. In some cases, they might be completely indifferent. At the same time, they may oppose the entire managerial line. Therefore, the ambiguity perspective in organizations always brings various issues that may make the employees within the organization to be dissatisfied (Jain & Thomson, 2008). Question 2: Complete a force field analysis using Kurt Lewin’s change management model clearly illustrating the driving and restraining forces for change in a force field diagram. The Kurt Lewin’s Change Management Model Force Field Analysis (Lewin, 1951) ‘Force Field Analysis’ Model that was developed by Lewin Kurt is highly  beneficial in providing a description of the present performance level. Force Field Analysis is highly useful technique for decision-making. It helps organizations in making various decisions through the analysis of various forces that are for and against a given change. In addition, through it, organizations have the capacity to effectively communicate the reason that is behind the decisions that are made. It can be applied for two main purposes: deciding whether to proceed with the change; and also to enhance success chances through strengthening various forces that supports the change and also weakening various forces that are against the change (Lewin, 1951). In addition, Force Field Analysis refers to a tool that is applied in order to analyze systematically the various factors that are got within problems that are very complex. It always frames various problems in terms of pressures or the various factors supporting the status quo, as well as the pressures supporting change in the direction that is desired. A factor may be individuals, attitudes, resources, regulations, traditions, needs, values, desires among others. Being a change management tool, it plays a major role in helping in the identification of the various factors, which have to be monitored and addressed for change to be highly successful (Lewin, 1951). Procedure: Step 1: Definition of the Problem In this step, organizations determine the nature of their present situation which is not acceptable, and which requires modification. It is always very prudent to separate specific problem from the things, which are working very well (Maslen and Platts, 1994). Step 2: Definition of the Change Objective This stage entails the determination of the desired situation, which is worth working to attain. There is need for organizations to be very specific (Maslen and Platts, 1994). Step 3: Identification of the Driving Forces This stage entails the determination of the various pressures or factors which support change in the direction that is desired. It also entails determining the forces’ relative strengths. In addition, the driving forcesshould be placed on a chart on Force Field Analysis diagram in labeled arrows with the arrow’s length reflecting each force’s relative strength. It is also very prudent to determine the interrelationships between the various driving forces. Step 4: Identification of the Restraining Forces At this stage, it is very prudent to determine the pressures or factors which resist the change that is proposed. These forces should be represented in the diagram like the ones of the driving forces. The interrelationships between the restraining forces should also be determined (Maslen and Platts, 1994). Step 5: Development of a Comprehensive Change Strategy The diagram that is created in stage three, as well as stage four reflect the thing that can be referred to as a quasi-stationary equilibrium state. Though this is a state that is comparatively stable, movement may be attained through changing the various factors that are presently contributing to the equilibrium. It should be noted that change might occur due to a combination of any these: strengthening one of the various driving forces, as well as the addition of new driving forces, reducing or removing the restraining forces (Lewin, 1951). The Driving Forces are always positive reasonable, economical, reasonable, and conscious. On the other hand, the Restraining Forces are always negative emotional, social, unconscious, psychological, as well as emotional. When organizations are handling dealing with a change or when they are managing change or when they are reacting to given change, the two set of the forces ought to be considered. Lewin made the suggestion that to in order make change to be very easy, as well as long lasting the various forces that are working against the given change ought to be minimized instead of increasing the forces that are for the given change. He also made the suggestion that force modification will be beneficial in ensuring the maintenance of the status quo in a very easy manner instead of changing or instead of increasing the change forces (Thomas, 1985). The above steps can be reduced into three steps: Step 1: Unfreezing: in this step, the strength of the forces that are mandating the present equilibrium is reduced. Step 2: Moving: in this step,the new values of the organization, behaviors, as well as attitudes are developed. They are beneficial in helping to move the firm forward. Step 3: Refreezing: in this stage, when the changes have been made, the various forces ought to be stabilized. This is to ensure that a new equilibrium is maintained (Miner, 2007). However, in some cases, it is always criticized because when an organization is within an environment that is rapidly moving, it will not have the capacity to ‘refreeze’. In a case like that, refreezing will make the organization to be staid and stale. Lewin points out that Refreezing ought not to be viewed as a permanent phase, but a short term phase. In addition, it is highly significant for obtaining certain types of stability in organizations (Maslen and Platts, 1994). The arrow lengths are depicting the quantity of the forces. When a given change is implemented within an organization, the point of equilibrium is moved. For the movement of the equilibrium, driving forces must be increased or added. In addition, resistance forces ought to be reduced or removed (Thomas, 1985). On the contrary, when the driving forces are enhanced, the intensity of resistance will also be enhanced. Hence, it is always good to minimize the resistance. This may be done through the use of various techniques such as motivation, commitment, as well as involvement (Maslen and Platts, 1994). Question 3: which cultural change perspective was adopted by NAB during its change program? The Australian Prudential Regulatory Authority (APRA) has identified numerous limitations in the bank’s internal control framework. In addition, there has also been the claim that various cultural issues lay at the center of the collapse of NAB. In order to obtain an enhanced comprehension of the processes and construct of the entity, effective analysis of the culture through the application of symbolism should be done. On the contrary, analyzing culture through the application of symbolism always lacks measurement scale; hence, it does not offer a ready-made formula to be applied in order to mea sure change, analysis, as well as improvement. In addition, it is always believed that individuals do not have the capacity to manage the things that they do not have the capacity to comprehend. Therefore, this is the main reason as to why researchers, as well as practitioners must depend on the functionalist-integrative viewpoint of cultural change in order to get a much deeper insight into culture’s nature, as well as how culture may be managed effectively in order to attain  the goals that are desired. The present, as well as the former executives of the bank share the functionalist-integrative perspective of culture. This should form a basis for APRA and PriceWaterhouse Coopers (PwC) to carry out proper investigations into the official losses of the Banks Trading. Functionalist-integrative viewpoint of culture lays much emphasis on various factors that are found to be prevalent within the entire organization. On the contrary, there is likelihood that foreign currency trading room where losses were incurred by the bank was totally distinct subculture to the firm. This illustrates that trading room of the bank was existing as a subculture to the firm, something th at offers the suggestion that rogue traders always operate within functionalist-differentiation culture (Sorenson, 2002). However, as illustrated by Dellaportas, Cooper & Braica (2007), a research that is focused on the bank’s foreign currency options trading room is attempting to adopt the integration perspective; however, it is at a very low level analysis. However the differentiation perspective is established to be better in the analysis of the relationships that exists between several subcultures in the organization. The multiple subcultures point out inconsistent cultural manifestations rather than being focused on a given subculture. Hence, it is established that the functionalist-integrative viewpoint is highly applicable and effective in the analysis of the culture within a single organizational department given that is its highly applicable, as well as effective on an organizational-wide basis (Dellaportas, Cooper & Braica, (2007; Graetz, Rimmer, Lawrence and Smith, 2006). It should also be pointed out that integration viewpoint is highly opted by National Australian Bank during the change program. The steps that were taken by the firm in order to ensure cultural change include: Readjusting the major priorities in order to point out that National Australian Bank is an organization that is focused on the clients. Believing in making investments in its reputation, its people, as well as its culture Commencing to differentiate via its reputation and culture in order to ensure that their employees, customers, as well as the community benefits. Making visible manifestations of the culture via its visions, mission, as well as strategic objectives statements being reflected on whole portfolio of National Australian Bank group. Re-launching tangible change initiatives of National Australian Bank brand with an innovative, as  well as a fresh logo. Regaining the public’s confidence through launching the brand and lobo with the Melbourne Commonwealth gam es of the year 2006. The bank was the top sponsor. Focusing on various community developments ‘Developing various ‘team-oriented ‘ structures Question 4: what would be your future recommendations to the CEO or HR team at NAB? There are numerous things that need to be done by the bank’s CEO, HR team in order to ensure its success in the future. First, there is a need for the new leaders that are appointed by National Australian Bank to make conscious efforts in order to effectively implement cultural changes in a manner that is highly effective. They should not focus mainly on the process; however, they should lay much focus on the gravity of the issue (Fairbairn, 2005). Additionally, within the firm, there were no clear responsibilities, as well as accountabilities. There is a need for the management of the firm to ensure that this is seriously fixed in order to ensure that change is effectively implemented y the organization. Additionally, NAB is having a good news culture that ensures the prevention of bad news from arising. The issue is very serious since it is always good to adequately address bad news or problems in their nascent stage instead of waiting for them to be bigger. On the same note, NAB adheres to a Bureaucratic culture. It always tends to overcomplicate things. Therefore, through making a change, as well as enhancing the firm’s culture, there will be a positive difference. Generally, cultural changes always come along with very deep logic of personal commitment. The new CEO should view himself as the â€Å"Chief Ethics Officer† instead of a CEO (Trevino, Hartman and Brown, 2000). Being a Chef Ethics Officer, the CEO should convey strict and strong ethics message that will help the co-leaders. In addition, being a leader, the CEO should have the knowledge of his responsibilities and powers. When these recommendations are put into place by the leadership of NAB, they will have the capacity to address the issues in a highly systematic manner. In addition, they will have the capacity to overcome the crisis. In addition, they will have the capacity to restore their brand image. The firm should also portray itself to be more focused on their customers rather than on profits given that when they portray themselves to be profit centered, they will engage in various activities that are unethical. Cases study 2 Question 1 As pointed out by Child (2005), when determining if a team or a firm over- organized or under-organized, there are always strengths, as well as concerns which have to be taken into consideration. The strengths which should be looked into include: very high commitment to the firm, as well as its mission; norms of straightforwardness and honesty; smart, as well as articulate management; very high interest in learning, as well as growth; and general manager and founders as role-models (Bradford & Burke, 2005). In addition, various firms will always face constant struggles in order to shun the extremes of over-organizing and under-organizing. Every service provider always has a built-in inclination to get off balance organizationally on a single side or to another. The firms that are under-organized, their leaders always struggle mainly with efficiency: how things can be done. Because of inadequate organizing, organizational leaders always get it very hard to pull the correct â€Å"levers† and also to push the correct â€Å"buttons† in order to make the firms work (Bradford & Burke, 2005). Some of the various concerns which have to be looked into include individuals and systems failing to keep pace with the growth; lack of very clear structure, roles, as well as teamwork; lack of common direction, mission, as well as priorities; individuals are stretched to their limit; and the general manager and founders are both firm’s greatest strength, as well as the greatest weakness (DeKler, 2007). There are several other signs of under-organization. administrators and staff are not sure of the activities that they should delegate and thee individuals to whom they should delegate; organizational members are unsure where they can serve best and where they can â€Å"plug in†; huge expenditures in terms of time, as well as effort is needed in order to get various programs adopted, as well as implemented; work load is distributed unevenly —some leaders and members are overworked whereas others are entirely left out; Leaders are very slow to respond and to discern to the members’ needs; Members of the organization are faintly aware of the congregational goals yet they are not well informed regarding the daily activities; The firm experiences huge programs overlapping, as well as consequent effort duplication (Carter, 2004). A firm that is unbalanced by excess organization is always challenged by  effectiveness, the things that ought to be done. Over-organized firms have the capacity to move efficiently to make sure that various things are properly done. In addition, work is delegated smoothly, various job descriptions are effectively followed, and besides, committees deliberate (Schultz, D.P., Schultz, 2006). What are the implications for planning an OD intervention? In the case, intervention planning was required since no individual took responsibility for anything. In addition, they had no structures or guidelines to follow in their work to the latter. Ben and Jerry needed to make it a family and fun work environment. To do this, they did not have the means to put authority in to force. When things got broken, no person could man up to take responsibility for the actions. Had Ben and Jerry ensured that there was authority over fun, it could have made the firm to avid this. If authority was replaced with friendship, they could have avoided the scenario. Is team building a good way to launch an OD effort in this case? Other approaches? Other than team building, several other approaches can be adopted by the firm. Among the various interventions that can be taken into consideration include: Organization Confrontation Meeting: through this change technique, the members of the organization will be mobilized in order to identify various problems, set various action targets, besides commencing to work on various problems. In the case, it will most likely represent numerous meetings between the feuding groups within the organization. On the contrary, the data from the case offers the suggestion that the firm is not prepared for this kind of intervention (Murray, 2005). Inter-group relations: The interventions are specifically designed to enhance interactions between diverse groups, as well as departments within organizations. Microcosm group intervention entails a very small group of individuals whose backgrounds is closely matching the problems of the organization that are being looked into. Inter-group conflict model generally entails a consultant aiding two groups to comprehend the origin of their conflict besides choosing highly relevant solutions (Western, 2010). The various issues that face the firm are highly visible along alignment lines, focus, as well as leadership instead of a true conflict. Large-group Interventions: The interventions entails gathering several stakeholders into  a big meeting in order to clarify significant values; develop fresh working ways; to articulate a fresh organizational vision and also to provide solutions to various pressing problems of the organization. This appears like a very viable option majorly after a team building with some of the top team management. Trying this intervention prior to team building will have similar problems to confrontation meeting. It should be noted that OD is not a science, which may be placed into concise prescriptive. Ben & Jerry experienced issues that affected the entire organization. The firm’s board was not fully prepared to tackle its own issues. In addition, they become united in order to offer the leadership which was needed by the rest of the firm. Therefore, the starting point was the managers. The outdoor methods applied in this case may be effective activities for teambuilding. The other optio n applicable for the firm could have been intervention with the founders and the board and confronting them for lack of leadership, as well as their incapacity to effectively handle their own issues. What next steps would you recommend? After the formation of the management team and its alignment with the founders and the board, there is a splendid opportunity of getting other individuals within the organization to be aligned with the management. In addition, they should be involved in the newly established goals. When the system is highly organized around certain goals, as well as missions, all individuals within the organization will work on the bigger issues. The innovative feature of the firm, as well as the level of commitment of the workers suggests the readiness for a large group involvement to take organization to better levels. References Allaire, Y. and M. Firsirotu (2006), â€Å"Theories of Organizational Culture,† Organization Studies, 5, 193-226. Bradford, D.L. & Burke, W.W. eds, (2005). Organization Development. San Francisco: Pfeiffer. Bradford, D.L. & Burke, W.W.(eds), (2005), Reinventing Organization Development. San Francisco: Pfeiffer. Carter, L.L. (2004), Best Practices in Leadership Development and Organization Change, Jossey Bass, ISBN 0-7879-7625-3 Child, J. (2005). ‘Organization Contemporary Principles and Practice’,292. Blackwell Publishing. Deal, T. E. and A. A. Kennedy (2002), Corporate Cultures: The Rites and Rituals of Corporate Life, Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley Publishing Co. DeKler, M. (2007). Healing emotional trauma in organizations: An O.D. Framework and case study. Organizational Development Journal, 25(2), 49-56. Denison, D. R. (2007), â€Å"Bringing Corporate Culture to the Bottom Line†, Organizational Dynamics, 13, 2, 4-22. Dellaportas, S.,Cooper, B. J. & Braica, P. (2007). ‘Leadership, culture and employee deceit: the case of the National Australia Bank’, Corporate Governance, 15:6: 1442- 52. Denison, D. R. (2007), Corporate Culture and Organizational Effectiveness, New York: Wiley. Denison, D. R., H. J. Cho, and J. Young, (2000), Diagnosing Organizational Culture: Validating a Model and Method, Working Paper, International Institute for Management Development, Lausanne, Switzerland. Fairbairn, U. (2005). ‘HR as a strategic partner: culture change as an American Express case study’, Human Resource Management, 44:1: 79-84. Graetz, F., Rimmer, M., Lawrence, A. and Smith, A. (2006). Managing Organisational Change, 2nd edn (Brisbane: John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd Jain, A. & Thomson, D. (2008). ‘Corporate governance, board responsibilities, and financial performance: the National Bank of Australia’, Corporate Ownership and Control, 6:2: 99- 113. Lewin K. (1951) ‘Field Theory in Social Science’, Harper and Row, New York. Murray, R. (2005). Theory of integral complex organization. In Richardson, K.A. (Ed.), Managing organizational complexity: Philosophy, theory and application (pp. 217-35). Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing. Maslen R., Platts K.W. (1994) ‘Force Field Analysis: A Technique to Help SMEs Realise their Intended Manufacturing Strategy’, in Operations Strategy and Performance, 1st European Operations Management Association Conference, University of Cambridge, June, pp.587-588. Sorenson, J. B. (2002). ‘The strength of corporate culture and reliability of firm performance’, Administrative Science Quarterly, 47: 70- 91. Schultz, D.P., Schultz, S.E. (2006) Psychology and work today: and introduction to industrial and organizational psychology (9th ed.) Upper Saddle River, NY: Prentice Hall p262. ISBN 0-13-193212-8 Thomas J. (1985) ‘Force Field Analysis: A New Way to Evaluate Your Strategy’, Long Range Planning, Vol. 18, No. 6, pp. 54-59. Western, S. (2010), What do we mean by Organizational Development, Krakow: Krakow: Advisio Press